Bee Friendly plants; help save Bees

Bees have been declines rapidly for years and these small little creatures are a extremely important species for the survival of, Everything! Planting Bee friendly plants in your yard and ceasing the use of pesticides is a great way anyone can help our friends, the bees.

Bee Friendly Plants

Having a diverse yard lush with a variety of plants and flowers is a big part of bringing Bees into your yard. Bees especially like Native plants and wild flowers like sunflowers and even dandelions are great bee attractants because they require very little maintenance and will do well in someones yard.  Bees are most attracted to specific colors like  yellow, purple, and blue. So including plants that have these color flowers is easy and beneficial.

Urban Gardening for Bees

Bees also love Fruits, vegetables and herbs. Different types of herbs Lavender, rosemary,sage, Thyme, Cilantro, and Dill are all great herbs that are easy to grow in your garden and can enjoy in your home. It is important to let your plants flower as much as you can. plants like Cilantro,Fennel and Broccoli will all flower and are a great way to attract bees.  While we may be concerned with utilizing all of the produce that these things give US, they also have a big use for Them! Even having a few extra weeds in our yards is a great way to attract the Bees and giving them places to hide. Privind bees with shelter and water are important aspects too!